[Yahoo] ESPN to air "The Last Dance" uncensored, all f-bombs included

Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I don't mind that we have some can/can't parameters on broadcast language. Like, don't get me wrong, fuck is a glorious word. There's hardly a sentence that exists that can't support adding 'fuck' to it. But I think that's also part of why it's a good thing to limit or restrict its usage somewhat. (Which to be clear, I don't really agree with 100% restriction, but do feel some limitation is a good thing). For one thing, it helps to preserve its impact and usefulness as a point of emphasis or seriousness when it's rarer. For another thing, though, it helps keep dialogue sharper to not lean on 'bad' words too much. Again, fuck is such a versatile word, almost to a fault because you can credibly use it just about wherever you want and I think sometimes that does lead basically to being lazier with how you communicate which is fine for shooting the shit with people but not so fine for a broadcast setting.

/r/nba Thread Parent Link - yhoo.it