In the year 2020, humans land on Mars. The world listens as the first transmission comes through from the red planet, "We never should have come here". [WP]

"They bought it!"

"Yes!!! So we are finally alone?"

"For the rest of our lives."

"Oh Mike this is fantastic. What do we do now?"

"Well Chris, we need to start building those planters and green houses and get working on getting our food supply growing. But first, what do you say we start working on repopulating this planet."

"you mean Populating."


"Populating, not repopulating. We are the first humans to ever come here, so you know, there's nothing to repopulate."

"Does it matter, I meant-"

"Also we can't do that."

"Can't do what?"


"have sex?"

"No we can have sex, we just won't be populating anything"

"Why the hell not? It's not like we have condoms or birth control, it's bound to happen eventually."

"Mike, I don't have a reproductive system. I was born a man."

"woah woah, what? You're a dude?"

"Excuse me? No, I am a woman. I was born a man."

"Are you fucking with me right now?"

"Mike, did you seriously not know?"

" never said anything, I just assumed..."

"It was all over the news. We talked about it at mission briefings. 'The first trans astronaut is going to Mars'? Ring any bells?"

"I thought they meant all of us. You know like the first trans-planetary astronauts."

"wow. Just wow Mike."

"Aww man, what the hell are we going to do?"

"What do you mean? This doesn't change anything."

"It changes everything! Don't get me wrong you are cool and all, but I expected that we would have some children to raise and talk to after a year or two. I mean, no offense, but I can't spend the rest of my life alone here with you."

"You piece of shit. What the fuck? You never even mentioned kids before, how did you know I would even be down if I could?"

"You're a woman. I just figured, you know, you're a woman."

Oh my god. You're an idiot. You are literally the dumbest astronaut in history. I am stuck on Mars with a misogynistic dumb ass for the next four years."

"....I'll go resend a Transmission."

"Yeah, you do that."

"Umm, do you, uh, still want to have sex?"

/r/WritingPrompts Thread