Yes OP. It is a problem

The replies to the OP was full of reassurances that women (born with dysgenetic vaginas, presumably) get vaginoplasties to have penetrative sex too. Perhaps reading the Intersex Genital Mutilations report addressed to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment is of interest in this regard.

“The doctors continued to insist on surgery – it had to become a girl. I wanted to know if the child would be able to have sexual sensations at all after the surgery. They hesitated, and then told me that the chances were good, but that they didn’t know for sure. Then one of the doctors said: It‘s worse for a man not being able to pee standing, than it is for a woman to have sex without feelings. It would be easier for a woman to deal with it. I was outraged.”

“When I was 16, I had to undergo a third surgery, an extension of the lower vagina, which was separated from the urethra during the first surgery. The surgeon just briefly explained the surgery technique to me, but I wasn’t informed about pros and cons, possible following treatments or complications. I wasn’t told that additionally I would have to dilate my vagina, to become like they say “penetrable.” Neither I was told that I would have to do this for the rest of my life, to prevent my vagina from shrinking. Eventually I asked a doctor, how much longer I had to dilate my vagina. He said, that he didn’t know exactly. My gynaecologist couldn’t tell me either. I never again asked such questions. After the third surgery I was often asked whether I had a boyfriend. Mostly I denied, although it mostly wasn’t the truth. This didn’t matter before the surgery. Actually they just wanted to know if I was so-called “penetrable”, if it actually works. They didn’t care about the fact that I barely had feelings in my genital area. During a checkup a doctor gave me the advice, I wouldn’t necessarily have to tell my partner. But what shall I tell him, when it hurts? For a doctor it just has to work and look cosmetically good. But I feel my painful scars, over and over, anyway when I am with a man, and sometimes even when the weather is changing. And that will probably always be this way.”

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