Younger redditors, what scares you about getting older? Older redditors, what is it that younger shouldn't worry about?

I’m 26 and I’ve hit a wall in my mental health that causes me to be less and less social. I’ve found that my best friends are the ones who i can talk to every few months and we pick back up like we spoke yesterday. But I’m worried that I’m stunting some sort of social growth and that I’ve isolated myself too long to feel comfortable around groups of people on a regular basis. I often find myself irritable in social situations and would rather go home and be alone. I try to date, but even if it works out, I find flaws in people that annoy the shit out of me and make me want to be alone too.

Every time i think of going out or being around people, it takes hours of mental preparation. Luckily i actually really enjoy traveling and experiencing things alone, but I look around at everybody being social and it makes me feel like there’s something wrong with me that is going to haunt me for life. That’s what i worry about.

/r/AskReddit Thread