Your child isn't cute or funny for throwing 44 tantrums during the day, they are spoiled and annoying.

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OK, I've had 3 high energy crazy kids and when they start acting like's because they're getting spoiled. And I very quickly nip it in the bud. My 3 year old today got told several times when he went into tantrum/pouty mode that he doesn't always get what he wants when he wants it. Seriously? This lady made her daughter a SECOND sandwhich???????? No. Your daughter throws this many tantrums because you are spoiling her. It's not just the age. When you give a kid what they want when they throw a tantrum YOU are telling them that THAT is the way to get what they want. So making second sandwhiches or allowing them to boss you around with their tantrums is only going to make life MORE difficult for you, AND it also does NOT help your kid. My 3 year old is the nicest sweetest little boy, says, yes please, thank you, no thank you and is super happy and smiley about it all. And the only time he throws tantrums now is when he's super tired. And why is that? Because he is being taught how to manage life. He knows how to get what he wants (PLEASE Mommy can I have a cookie??) and he's learning that he doesn't always get what he wants (No sweety, it's almost dinner time, you can't have a cookie right now). He's learning at 3 that there are other people in the house (and when he's older the world) and we can't be selfish. My older daughters have learned this too.

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