Your favorite champion is being redesigned by CertainlyT in this year of 2015. Give them a kit


Passive - Tempest's Blessing. Janna and her allies gain 10% + 1% (per 100 AP) move speed as long as they are within 1000 range of her.

Q - Undying Storm. Janna sticks her staff in the ground. After 1.5 seconds a shockwave is released in the direction she was facing in a cone with a radius of 500 in width and 750 in length. All enemy hits are slowed. If only one unit is hit, they are stunned, the slow stacks on top of the stun.

Cooldown: 24/21/18/15/12. Mana Cost: 75/80/85/90/95. Range: Width - 500 / Length - 875. Slow: 20/30/40/50/60%. Slow Duration: 1.5/1.5/1.5/1.5/1.5 seconds. Stun Duration: 0.75/0.75/0.75/0.75 seconds. Damage: 50/75/100/125/150 Magic Damage (25% AP Scaling)

W - Ritual of Hope. Janna swings her staff around her. This ability takes 0.5 seconds to cast, however her movement is not restricted. After the ability has been cast, she creates a pulse of energy that she has collected from her surroundings and unleashes it in an AOE around her. If it hits a target, they are slowed and knocked back. If they are hit into a wall, they take double the damage and slow. They cannot travel through the wall.

Cooldown: 8/7/6/5/4. Mana Cost: 25/30/35/40/45. Range: 550 Damage: 10/20/30/40/50 Magic Damage (10% AP Scaling)

E - Trials of the Wind. Janna's target is granted a shield. The shield can be used on champions and all structures. Her target is granted a flat amount of Attack Damage as well as a small percentage of their bonus Attack Damage. They also have double the movement speed buff from *Tempest's Blessing. The shield lasts 3/4/5/6/7 seconds.

AD Bonus: 10/20/30/40/50 AD (+10% AP) plus 1/2/3/4/5% Bonus AD. Shield: 75/150/225/300/375 (+50% AP). Movespeed Buff: 20/20/20/20/20% + (2% per 100 AP). Duration: 3/4/5/6/7 Seconds. Mana Cost: 110/125/140/155/170. Cooldown: 26/24/22/20/18.

Note: Because this ability is basically been super buffed the mana cost has been made extortionate. The reason why the cooldown is so long is because this is a late game skill. With 40% CDR and max rank there is only a 3 second down timer between the shield dissipating and the cooldown not being available.

R: Blustering Breeze. Janna summons a wind element (similar to maokai ult) in a target location that grants vision of the area for 30 seconds. Enemies inside the wind element take 3/6/9 (5% AP) magic damage every second and allies are healed for 3/6/9 (5% AP) health every second they remain inside the area of effect. After the ultimate expires., the wind element seals shut. Enemies trapped inside the wind element are dealt 300/500/700 magic damage (+ 200% AP). They are also stunned for 3/6/9 seconds.

Mana Cost: 100/150/200. Heal per Second: 3/6/9 + (5% AP). Damage per Second: 3/6/9 + (5% AP). AOE Radius: 750. Explosion Damage: 300/500/700 + (200% AP). Cooldown: 180/150/120 Seconds.

This is to make Janna a peel support with some AOE teamfighting potential through her ultimate. If people are pushed into the ultimate in a prolonged teamfight or skirmish they are stunned for an INCREDIBLY long time. If that was to happen, a mikaels crucible or QSS would remove the effect and everything would be dandy. But the chance of a teamfight happening 30 seconds in the same place with 5 people in the ultimate is really low.

/r/leagueoflegends Thread