Your main just got reworked by CertainlyT. What's their new kit?


PASSIVE: When kennen has accumulated 3 stacks of Mark of the Storm the enemy is stunned, silenced and for some reason also applies grivious wounds.

Q: Kennes Q now throws multiple shurikens, each appyling a mark of the storm. Also, if your Q hits, it procs electrocute instantly, because lightning.

W: Sends out a surge of electricity to each enemy in a 3000 range. It has an execute effect below 25% of helath and each 2. Auto attack is charged.

E: Kennen gains movement speed and can walk through walls... Also he can auto attack as ball of lightning for some reason.

R: Once you cast your ultimate you become one with the storm and are invincible. Slicing Malestorm now deals bonus damage to stunned enemies and prolongs its duration for each stunned enemy.

/r/leagueoflegends Thread