Your opinion isn’t unpopular if it relates to politics.

male feminist rapist

You're accusing me of rape... because I'm calling what Donald Trump claims he did is sexual assault. What kind of fucked up logic is that? People who accuse others of sexual assault are the real rapists? What a fucking clown lmao

would find nothing wrong with that.

You compared grabbing women's vaginas to the content of that video, and insinuated Biden did that to 10 year old girls. Not even close, asshole.

It was not "open"

Open as in a statement clearly accessible to the entire public

it was said in private.

Even more damning.

Learn what consent is and don't rape anybody.

I wouldn't be surprised if you haven't already raped a woman yourself, seeing as how you so passionately defend rapists. You're a fucking sick piece of shit.

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