Your username is now your job. How's life?

Well see what happened was. I got every medical condition every member of my family has dealt with for the last 5 generations.

Heart disease with ohs, 4 stints and hearth failure status by age 39. Survived 9 heart attacks. Diabetes t2, Cptsd, Neuro divergent disorders like autism, add, clinical depression I fractured my back in 84 places in a car accident, on top of that i have pinched nerves and 2 herniated disk in my spine and due to all that my spine has start turning. Left spondylitis Floating knee caps, Pseudotumor Cerebri Plantarr faciitis. ACM type 1

Im still walking most days. But i am unable to work, stand for long and have to find reliable pain meds that i am not allergic to (being allergic to Codine makes pain management difficult when most pain meds on the market include codine preservatives.)

Life is good.

/r/AskReddit Thread