Z E R O Fucks Saturday 5/16/2015

I hope Dyrus gets benched or straight up kicked already, the fact that hes at the top of NA LCS for so long sets up a bar for weak top laners in NA and promotes being mediocre, the fact that hes on top due to his team carrying his sorry ass makes other teams in NA feel like having a carry top laner is too much work and would prefer to work around their mid/adc and in that way keeps holding NA back from being a true threat on international level, a full mentality shift needs to occur in NA so they'd start moving away from being a fucking wild card region.

I don't think incarnati0n will change how c9 works and plays, in truth the problem with c9 right now is that they are o.k with being behind TSM and they keep promoting mediocre play "its fine not being the best in the region as long as we finish 2nd and get a free trip to worlds so we can see the scenery somewhere".

The only thing I do incarnati0n will do is bring a rekkles kind of behavior where he would "demand" people to try hard / become better, and as soon as he realizes that c9 are not about that he'll turn tail and crawl back to whatever team will take him in EU.

EU > NA, lets not beat around the bush, sure the games in EU are chaotic but at least they're fun and as we can see, they bring better results than some NA scrubs to imitate strategic gameplay and failing it.

Ekko and recent champ releases show that riot now do not like simplistic champ design and in a way its also a bad thing, we shouldn't have new game-breaking champions being made everytime, always adding new mechanics to the game that change it on a fundamental level, we're getting further and further away from league of legends and try to be something that LoL isnt, league was made as a simple game that is rather easy to grasp and jump into for the masses, but now its becoming an exclusive club for whoever played since before all the changes.

/r/leagueoflegends Thread