Zero Fucks Fridaya: 10-9-15 // 9-10-15 Edition

First off, yes, wrestling is all about getting lost in the story as presented. That suspension of disbelief that you have for movies, books, and tv shows, that lets you get emotionally invested and, yes, maybe cry at heart warming events.

But this Iron Man match seemed, to a lot of us at least, manufactured to cynically play off of the Brooklyn match, and the surprise emotion that the audience showed for the curtain call. Match quality aside, the curtain call at Brooklyn was neat because it was nominally their last time together in NXT, at a special event in a huge weekend, paired with Summerslam and exposing new fans to their work, the reward for those four for their work in the past YEAR of building the NXT women's brand and running with the brass ring when it was offered.

But they couldn't let the little bit of genuine emotion from that stand, it had to be amped up, and become the story. They might have well have called it NXT: TakeOver: "Liek dis if you cry evertim"

Bailey's overcoming the odds story ended in Brooklyn. she beat Sasha, Sasha had beaten her before. It was concluded. Sasha and the other 2 didn't fly off to another planet, they started appearing on national TV and real 60 dollar PPV events. We've seen them every week, wrestling each other on a larger stage.

To compare Bailey's climb to Bryan's is almost laughable. She had some Indy matches and then got paid to train hard for two years at the state of the art performance center. She made the best of what was given, and excelled in a storyline tailored to her character. In NXT you are set up to succeed, it's how it operates. Thats why guys like Chris Hero are the exception, rather than the rule like in previous years.

But Her lifetime dream was not to headline a random WWE Network event in October, she wants to be at Wrestlemania, she wants to be in front of 90k fans having this moment, not 400 people at full sail. To make such a huge deal about it now means this is all you think of them. At their best they deserve a Wednesday night special in a school auditorium. This is the big emotional moment you've given her, and it's what they set up with the promotion of the event. It's cynical because they think we believe this is all they'll get. That crazy old man Vince won't ever let it happen on the main show , so cool uncle Trips will let you have it while the old man isn't looking.

If you are truly emotionally invested it should be insulting, or at least way too patronizing, even for Pro Wrestling.

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