125 words What do you think of the death of US Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg? 215 words What's a rant that you have ready to go, but have never had the opportunity to give? 134 words Child free women of Reddit how do you deal with the constant judgement and pressure of your peers and family? Is it difficult to find a child free partner? 392 words Women with irresponsible adult siblings, how does this affect your relationship with them? 238 words women who have had their nudes leaked what was your experience? 267 words Ladies, how do you cope with pet loss? Putting down my dog tomorrow after 14 years together and never expected or experienced this kind of grief before. 198 words Casual Convo Fridays. 224 words When have you seen someone else benefit from pretty privilege and how did you deal with it? 227 words What was the nastiest house you've ever been in? 181 words What’s the strangest backhanded compliment you’ve ever received? 152 words It is said "You don't get to choose who you fall for. Usually, it just happens all on its own." How is your SO different from what you always thought you wanted in your future partner? 140 words What do you think of "wow you're exotic"? Do you take it as a compliment?? 140 words What is the most frustrating part about working in your field? 265 words What is your opinion on the ahegao face, would you do it if your partner requested it? 298 words Women who regret major choices in life, how did you cope? And do you still think about what could have been? 169 words What do you REALLY look for in a man? 175 words What is a "joke" you've heard that ended up taking a negative toll on you? Was it something said by someone you knew or something in the media? 129 words Women who entered the dating game late, what was it like and do you wish you had started earlier? 216 words What/who did you hate when you were younger that, in hindsight, was due to internalized misogyny? 170 words Women who grew up with and/or continue to deal with emotionally/verbally abusive mothers, what does your relationship with them look like today and what steps did you take, if any, to get a better handle on your current relationship with your mother?