Child free women of Reddit how do you deal with the constant judgement and pressure of your peers and family? Is it difficult to find a child free partner?

I'm in my early thirties and don't feel like I get constant judgment. My peer group rarely comments on it, with the exception of one friend's husband (whom I never see since we are on opposite sides of the country), but he's an outlier. Occasionally, my mother will warn me that my partner is going to change his mind about being child-free and then what will I do? However, neither she nor my father have directly pressured me to have children (nor have my in-laws brought it up).

That being said, I'm in a progressive city and travel in generally progressive circles. I do wonder if the tone will change as I hit my mid to late thirties, though, as that seems to be when most women in my cohort start popping out babies.

/r/AskWomen Thread