122 words Should I enter a relationship knowing it's going to be so emotionally distressing if it doesn't work out? Or should I wait until my BPD further improves? 195 words Are there any other people here that are basically Forever Alone? 275 words Friendships and social skills 258 words Humanizing my DSM-5 Diagnostic Criteria for Borderline Personality Disorder 183 words Do you ever feel like you can't really talk? 144 words Feeling despair when in love 174 words Do you think this girl (23/f) that I have known for a little over a month has feelings for me (25/m)? 520 words I’ve earned myself the label of “too sensitive” and now it is used against me even when my feelings are justified 203 words I need advice about BPD in general 144 words What a Favorite Person (FP) is, and what an FP isn't - an informal definition. 167 words The Death of An Abuser 133 words Complicated relationship with BPD girlfriend, she is recently pregnant, I'm not sure what the right thing to do here is 224 words What's your opinion on porn? Does it make you feel uncomfortable? Seems most people with BPD are really intrigued by sex. 165 words Why are we blamed if we tell the truth? 242 words Fired by my therapist 304 words I seem to have gotten worse, despite therapy, DBT and getting older 181 words Help..BF/FP keeps “disappearing” on me. 48+ hours of no response. BPD symptoms are killing me. 121 words What were your negative patterns in relationships prior to learning about BPD? 1,433 words how to explain BPD 355 words I'm seeing and hearing things that I don't think exist, I'm looking for stories from people with similar experiences