What were your negative patterns in relationships prior to learning about BPD?

In and out of relationships with the same person or others.

Frequently deleting contacts and severing ways of communication to see who would reach out.

Alcohol abuse.

Snooping on my ex's phone (vowed to myself that I'd never do it to my current. I'm proud to say I haven't ever done it since!).

Breaking down over small lies (mainly regarding pornography use and my other insecurities down to abuse).

Freaking out over my partner at the time going offline. Would cause panic attacks-- but he used it (LDR) as a punishment and was just stonewalling 70% of the time.

Allowing sexual abuse.

Allowing emotional abuse.

Allowing verbal abuse.

Cutting contacts with friends when in a romantic relationship (I still do this though...).

/r/BPD Thread