182 words All of a sudden I hate myself. Or rather what people are going to think of me based off of stigma. 188 words Valentine’s Day 184 words He said, she said 177 words SO now says she doesn't have BPD, but clearly does. Now what? 173 words Borderline and Narcissist: Relationships 204 words Anyone used a BPD diagnosis to get a 'reasonable accommodation' from your employer? 163 words Those with BPD, when you devalue a loved one, what can help snap you out of it? 123 words Am I the only one who finds the posts in BPD loved ones more than a little offensive? It's like they label who we are as a person based on our disorder instead of trying to see us as people. 252 words I know i’m being over dramatic and stupid but it’s hard not to feel kinda down when my boyfriend says “love you” instead of “I love you” 131 words How do I go forward? 156 words Are you attracted to sociopaths? 207 words Does Anyone Else Come Off Cold And Distant? 349 words Does anyone else try to talk to their parents about how emotionally abusive they were when you were a kid but they STILL don't validate your emotions? 234 words have any of you been friends with or dated someone else with bpd? how did it turn out? 183 words I am so sick of neurotypical people telling me that I just need to get up and out in the morning like yes I know this but my brain is literally falling apart, going for a run is NOT going to cure me 232 words Anyone have experience or anecdotal information about ECT for BPD? 133 words BPD and Sex 447 words Forever scared I'll be cheated on 191 words Can a person with BPD be a good parent? 117 words Spoiler alert for Netflix's Daredevil season 3