496 words Found more porn and saved nudes of all his exes, none of me huge fight 148 words Husband has ED and not sure where to go from here. 193 words Girlfriend is afraid to have sex because of random and uncontrollable ovarian pain. 130 words Why is my wife so shy/immature about sex? 473 words I shared with my wife nearly a year ago that I had suicidal thoughts. She cried silently to herself that night and has never brought it up again. 128 words 32m, was the LL and gf of 5 years left. Went on a date a month later... 172 words So I'm in a reversed position from most of you... 155 words This REALLY struck me. What sex means to me as an HL. Thoughts? 164 words Tempted to take a bartending job just for some attention from men 1,146 words “It’s Hammertime!” 153 words Sex vs. Intimacy 148 words Even though I (HLF) told him (LLM) the hard truths he doesn't want to break up 200 words Would it be selfish/cowardly of me to get a divorce? 183 words How to cope with my [23F] fear of a DB with my partner[25M] being a witness to my parents [50s]? 260 words Embarrassed 138 words What does it take for a HL and LL person to make it work long term? 194 words How would you interpret your SO watching porn after turning you down for sex? 177 words HL: I really want to have sex with you, but not tonight. 180 words Why do some people say that sex is not important to them or to a relationship, but at the same time they don't want their partners to have sex with other people? 340 words showed top posts to wife last night