"...how the fuck is he really selling that shit for that much money?" r/Kanye users have slight existential panic because gay fish over-charges for mediocre merchandise.

Dude stopped taking his meds. He's actually following the exact path of someone I know personally. When they eventually find something that works they stop taking it because they miss the manic phase. Both stopped cold turkey, and stopping psych meds like that is dangerous. To rationalize this they claim their bipolar diagnosis was false, even though it's obvious to everyone else they are indeed fucking bipolar.


The tweets are part of a pattern of erratic behavior in the past year that has left fans concerned for his well-being. In June, he told The New York Times that he was “learning how to not be on meds” and that he’d taken medication only once in the previous week. In an October meeting with Donald Trump, West told the president that his bipolar disorder had been a misdiagnosis. Now, in apparently quitting his psychiatric medication for the sake of his creativity, West is promoting one of mental health’s most persistent and dangerous myths: that suffering is necessary for great art.

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