149 words Parts in games you love that you hate 171 words What bad games have you played that made you feel existential/mental/physical pain? 169 words As being a hardcore Devil May Cry fan. The thing I dislike the most about DmC isn't even in the game. 146 words Does anyone find it weird that the debate around game difficulty has become a moral one? 133 words This show is great & insane and I can't wait for more of this devlish guy 223 words CRAP! It's the 4th of July and I forgot to post the annual Matt Gif 311 words Favourite examples for Real Life Main Characters? 207 words Bureaucratic villains? 132 words What are some obvious jokes in media their respective fanbases treat seriously? 121 words [spoilers] shows that take a mental toll on your psyche 334 words Some People really ought to stop messing with this stuff 123 words Thirstiest characters 198 words Favorite 'Character establishes their superiority' scene. 194 words Characters whose tropey personality is actually a case of being mentally unwell in the story. 218 words Woolies advice is legitimately what I needed at the moment 127 words All this hype from max and the boys for demons souls and something like this pops up. I’m not upset, I’m confused 122 words Villains that absolutely deserve death/worse punishment for what they've done? 123 words Shows where a side character is so much more developed than the protagonist that he unexpectedly takes over stuff you'd think the protagonist would get? 149 words Villains who aren’t anywhere near as compelling as their creators seem to think they are 333 words Creative decisions in media that you think don't work all that well.