12 year relationship ending because I refuse to be used to have children

Thank you for your thoughtful reply. It’s true that people find their person at all points in life. I don’t know if it’s our age but I’ve found that most men in their 40s don’t consider the concept of misogyny. Most also did not grow up being taught equal division of domestic labor. It feels unfair to women and always has but in my experience, they become offended when being expected to divide the load.

Everyone does seem shocked I’d stay with someone who would not contribute in that way. All I can say is there were other factors in play. Non financial factors. I love him and was willing to put up with it and argue about it I guess. I was a kid when we got together. I didn’t know then that I had to start the equal division from the beginning or I’d be stuck with maid duties for the duration.

/r/childfree Thread Parent