338 words #squirters. Some guy I went to high school with posted this on Facebook last night. 538 words You've gone too far, boner! 319 words When Old Friends Go Bad 630 words My bio-father making his bi-yearly plead. He obviously put a lot of care into crafting this message 300 words Dated this guy on and off for almost 2 years. He broke up with me but continued to pester me, resulting in this (I blocked him after). 338 words "I'm American and I will never fly another flag!" 404 words I am really terrified for this girl (story in comments) 328 words Parents comment on a clickbait article 368 words "you're the prettiest girl in the family" 1,086 words Email from a co-worker: Could use a little advice on what to do. (X-post NiceGuys) 293 words Someone just handed this CV into my work. Can't wait to work with this cookie. 493 words My friend made this for a girl he really liked 424 words This girl I know is REALLY proud of herself for being a grad student. Every. Goddamn. Day. 1,742 words The Epitome of Idiocy 1,024 words Space Wank..? 338 words I literally just met this person. 371 words I've been casually seeing this guy for three weeks. Last night I ducked out of hanging out because of a family thing. This morning I woke up to 35 insane texts. 508 words And to think this guy has "threatened" to kill me before 442 words You do know that you're not a veteran.. right? 643 words my friend moved in to my lodge a week ago and made fast friends with the 69 y.o landlord. Now my landlord wants to screw him, we're both moving out ASAP