155 words a childhood memory. this one comes to mind quite a lot... 207 words Adopted traits / possible covert narcissism from a narcissistic father and a (possibly) BPD mother. Is it possible to undo this and get help? 154 words DAE nparent bring up the death card? aka “If I drop dead tomorrow.” “If I die from stress and exhaustion” to make you feel guilty? 352 words Does anyone else's mother think she knows them better than they know themselves? 186 words If my mum is a narcassist, am I one too? 150 words I'm going to court soon and i'm scared as hell 142 words What the fuck is with n parents constantly posting pictures of their kids to social media without permission???? 120 words My mom used to ask me if I wanted plastic surgery as a child. 325 words As an Adult; I am allowed to consent or NOT consent to any medical procedure - so why was this right taken from me? (Trigger warning: Medical Assault) 269 words Holiday Support Thread - Need to talk but don't want to make a post? Comment here! 173 words I was the Golden Child, now I'm the Scapegoat 273 words My father is making my little sister depressed. 199 words My son broke a bowl the other day and went about his day as normal. 461 words My parents are forcing me to spend 40 days in my native, war-torn, severely conservative country with my sexually-abusive cousin. 137 words "Mommy Dearest" is not a comedy 544 words Everyday becomes tougher than the last... 187 words She’s Making Me Go to the New Freshman Open House 187 words i cant kill myself and i need help. 159 words Help, I think my husband was raised by a narcissist and it’s triggering postpartum anxiety 164 words Anyone else feel completely emotionally stunted?