162 words My nmom dropped Christmas presents off and I'm feeling so lost about what to do with them 139 words Did Anyone Else's NParent Raid Your Room with a Trash Bag? 143 words Holiday Support Thread - Need to talk but don't want to make a post? Comment here! 133 words WHAT IS IT WITH NARCS GETTING THEIR KIDS NAKED TO BEAT THEM AS A PUNISHMENT WHEN THEY MISBEHAVE? 126 words They set up impossible goals for you just so they can see you fail. 422 words Golden Child appreciation post 193 words Growing up what was something that was normalised in your household that you later found out was not normal and a sign of the fact that you went through abuse? 226 words Recently got diagnosed with psoriasis. It got so bad before I consulted a doctor, she was shocked that I was able to manage day to day activities despite the flare-up, as it's on my hands. 178 words Do you feel like you were never taught important stuff that you're expected to know? 189 words Living at home is free because you pay with your mental health 180 words Doctor talked to nMom and decided I shouldn't get treatment 168 words My anti vaxxer parents 334 words Anyone else here realize they're actually a narcissist lately? 205 words I think my N-Mom is trying to stick G-Child with me? 187 words Does anyone else find it hard to claim you had a bad childhood because you were “only” emotionally abhsed 206 words At what point does it end? 306 words In 22 years of being a therapist, she’s never heard of a family like mine 173 words Our parents never saw us as children 299 words I was diagnosed with BPD with narcissistic tendencies. I'm heartbroken 704 words Write a AITA from the POV of your n-parent