147 words PSA, there are laws that US companies have to list jobs in the US for a certain time before outsourcing them. These laws don't require competitive compensation. So when you see a ridiculous list of requirements for minimum wage, that's why. 160 words My 6 months job search as a junior software developer 154 words Finding a job in the UK that offers the skilled worker visa is impossible. The system is so cruel. 173 words When you get headhunted, rushed to interview, and they get pissed at your answer to "Why us?" 273 words Why. Why is shit like this on LinkedIn? 250 words Just got a rejection letter from a job I applied to 10 months ago. I don’t even remember applying to this place because I sent out so many applications back then. It’s just an insult at this point. 127 words Practice what you preach 145 words Another rant about Recruiters using the phone as the primary method of communication 173 words "Don't apply, get referred." 117 words Question: Would you subscribe to a career counselor? 203 words What are some of your worst experiences during the job hunt? 182 words Really dude? 109 words Why the fuck are there so many fucking recruiters? 219 words Job postings that have all the right intentions, but completely miss the point 163 words "We will abuse you and you will have to like it" 370 words We'll categorize this job as entry level despite requiring 5+ years of experience so we can underpay you 125 words Cringe 139 words Cue the tiny violins: Recruiter gets "double ghosted" 158 words (Rant) Seriously depressed, how can I keep my spirits up when looking? 138 words Upload your resume! Then, fill out a bunch of boxes with the exact same info!