The 1 to 1 pairing lie.

That picture is a picture of contestants at an international model search. I guessing the guy is also a model who didn't feel inclined to wear a sash.

So this picture is of a bunch of objectively hot people assembled together for an event whereupon they will hopefully be rewarded with a job for their objective hotness. I bet this is actually a picture of impossibly hot colleagues who spent a week together at some hot people convention and not a dude and his harem.

These women experienced a lifestyle/sexual excitement that their new boring married lives and husbands just can't rival. Guys start to realize that now when women want to date them it's not because of love/attraction, it's primarily out of pragmatism. They are frustrated that even if they work their ass of as being spouses they will never be seen in the same light as other men in her past What bugs a lot of guys is that often times women will do more sexually for her casual partners than with their husbands.

Are you really a woman? Cuz RPWs don't even talk like this. And the assumptions you're making spring from male - not female - insecurities. I've never met any woman who sees herself as some sort of single-person establishment that must provide consistent quality to every lover she has in the name of customer service. There's no woman I know who views love in such a tit-for-tat manner and willingly demotes herself to the human equivalent of a corporate franchise for the sake of carnal equity.

The point is that in general as men gain social power/attractiveness, their dating pool expands significantly. (athletes/frats/rockstars/doctors/(naturally good looking).

The same goes for women. They just tend to be more discrete about their dating habits.

For the bluepillers out there do you agree that there is a focus towards top tier males.

As much as there's a focus toward "top tier females."

Not necessarily saying that the 80:20 rule is real but the idea of the 1 to 1, pairing is false at the least?

Nah. I'd say the substantial dearth of evidence for either of your proposals would suggest that this is nothing more than wild speculation. I wildly speculate too, but I don't require anyone to believe me. I may not even believe myself for a while until I assemble more evidence.

Also do you agree with the idea that women whom date men out of their league have a harder time settling into monogamy with a partner on their level?

How is the dude model out of the league of any of the girl models? They all seem entirely within one another's leagues.

Are you seriously worried you're gonna end up with a model for a wife who won't be into you? Because it sounds like you believe that's a serious problem general, and that the Average Joe is aesthetically equivalent to or socially deserving of a professional female model. Kind of a strange outlook for a happily married women to have.

/r/PurplePillDebate Thread