10 Most Despicable Stories Breitbart Published Under Bannon

We have poverty Christian types you can see in this recent American election. I think the ease with which they ingest and repeat conspiracy is part and parcel of their poverty. But there is a flavor of brimstone vs a Nordic flavor. I think this is a product of national culture and an indoctrination against empathy. Not all but large swaths.

The rural Muslims I have met trend towards community and service. They give you all their food if you are a guest, and starve. But I can't deny the wahhabiis are a brimstone version. One created in large scale for the Saudis to rule.

The new order in the US appears to think it's a good idea to indoctrinate the evangelicals in brimstone in response.

I think the Nordic type focus on a social safety net and community is the real cure. But there appears to be something instinctive about tribalism.

For instance, I am very mad at evangelicals and want them to suffer without health care to teach them a lesson. Meanwhile, they want to get rid of all Muslims and Mexicans.

Except that's not true, neither of us really want something so black and white. But it's easier to push us into a leader who would make that happen.

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