10 reasons gaming on PC sucks

Ok I'm gonna answer some of this

1: yeah exclusives are a thing but not just between pc and console. Some are even exclusive to a certain kind of console and we have a ton of exclusive stuff too, just from the top of my head 2 recent examples: stellaris and darkest dungeon.

  1. You just picked two very bad examples. A failed subscription based mmo went f2p and cod on pc.

  2. Well shitty ports are a thing I give you that, but at worst it's roughly the same you would have got on console with potential...you named it: mods.

4 +5. Yeah always online it's a bitch I give you that but with steam you not only just buy the game, it's essentially more of an unlimited renting of the game with the service of maintenance (patches and so on)

  1. That works as intended, people who spend more get the better experiences...who would have thought ;-)

  2. That really comes down to opportunity...if people have the chance to cheat the will try it...period. It's not always a bad thing though. Most of the mods are categorically speaking cheats.

  3. Yeah, I don't understand what you are trying to say there. Windows is the os running the pc...Microsoft itself is completely irrelevant to any of the games we play and they are free to pursue what ever they want with their business strategy for consoles

  4. Again with great power comes great opportunity to scam others and people on the internet are jerks, so be wary.

  5. Ever tried redeeming you code for that game with steam. It doesn't always work with games but sometimes. I mean I can understand it, steam provides a service to you with the features you describe and if the game was later released on steam it's pretty much goodwill on their part to provide these for you since they weren't cut in on the deal when you bought it. That's hardly steams fault.

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