I 16f noticed my mom 36f and dad 37m live a very different life from my friends parents (40+ m/f). My dad is the only one who can take me to a birthday party (where parents stay) and unsure how to ask him to tone down the way he acts/behaves?

OP, please do not let these people force you to jump to the conclusion that your dad is up to no good. While it's entirely possible, it's also possible that he's going in there to address his actual personal issues. I'm a lot like your dad, minus the wealth, and I can guaran-damn-tee you that I need a few hours to myself each week to just decompress and recharge. What I do during that time varies, but it's at my home, it doesn't affect my family in any way, and it's really none of their business what I'm doing.

When he doesn't get this time he is very agitated and is off for the whole day.

Sure, maaayyyybe he's arranging massive international cocaine shipments, but given the fact that he's "off" for the rest of the day when he doesn't get his time, it's far more likely that he's actually using it as personal time. Maybe he's meditating. Maybe he's masturbataing with huge dildos up his ass. Maybe he's talking to a therapist on the phone/skype.

This subreddit is notorious for overlooking the most likely, most boring answers and jumping straight to the most dramatic, panic-inducing answers because nobody is actually accountable for what they say.

we must hang at that house and I cannot bring them to the house we actually live in because "it's private."

Maybe there's a Christian Grey style sex dungeon somewhere in your house that you don't even know about and in order to protect you he doesn't want you and your friends getting any ideas of exploring parts of the house that he doesn't want anybody exploring.

So please, before you get yourself into trouble by accusing your dad of being a drug kingpin because the internet said he was, see what else you can find out. Imagine you were acting weird and he immediately thought you were a drug-addicted prostitute.

I know my "maybes" sound just as outlandish as everybody else's, and my point isn't to say that maybe he's actually doing those things, just that we literally have no idea what he's doing, and jumping to any conclusions is stupid and dangerous.

And I just wanted to say this too...

My mom is a helicopter mom and constantly makes sure that me and my two siblings 14m and 13f are doing our homework, keeping up with studies and socializing with friends.

The socializing thing might be a bit much, but given that you guys are 13 and 14, this is not helicopter parenting, this is parenting.

/r/relationships Thread