[18 F] I feel like I look disgusting all the time and everyone is too nice to tell me otherwise.

You may want to look into getting therapy. Hating your physical appearance that much isn't healthy nor okay.

You aren't ugly. You're quite pretty. Your face isn't fat, but it is on the rounder side. Which is more than okay. Your face is actually feminine unlike what you believe.

I don't think the problem lies in your appearance it lies in your mind thus my advice is to get help with seeing yourself as you really are.

If you can't afford therapy I suggest you think up a list of positive things about yourself that cancel out what you feel is bad about you. This way whenever you think negatively about x you have y to counter it.

Another thing look into self positivity books.

A mind set I like to follow when I don't like something is "Can I change it" if no then learn to accept it if yes then do your best to healthily change it! No point in obsessing over the permanent. This has helped me become the confident person I am today and I highly recommend you try it out.

I wish you the best.

/r/amiugly Thread