I get 2 cents a month from my savings account interest. Is there a better place for my money?

32 downvotes and your response is to post the same thing again? OK well, I'm home with a knee injury so I'll bite :)

look into purchasing some shares of stock

You're advising OP to gamble. You know nothing of his/her financial situation, all we know is that the immediate time horizon is six months or more

regardless of what the folks on here tell you

Every sub has a bit of a bias, and this one is about overall financial health. Your suggestion might be slightly better received in /wallstreetbets or /investing, but here stock tips are blasphemy ;)

you will likely not have [..] SS

Do you know something we don't? SS is not going away and leave millions of voting elderly people eat dog food. Why even bring that up if not for fearmongering? "You'll be out in the street so go gamble now" is just wrong.

Apple specifically is a bargain right now

Maybe. Or maybe their iPhone gravy train is running out of steam finally. What if the watch sucks? I mean there are a lot of better- looking alternatives out already. You'll never know.

The advice to invest in bonds [..] is quite insane

My bond fund is doing ok, up 1.5% in the last month. I'm very happy to have that sort of stability in my portfolio.

I'm a fan of diversification

I don't think we agree on the term.

Get a free consult with a financial planner

That's just inviting trouble. you can decide to pay financial advisors for their services or let them peddle bad investment vehicles to you.

they're in it for the same reason you are: to make money

I agree with that 100% :)

I hope I don't come across as trying to attack you. It's just that I vehemently disagree with your post in the context of /personalfinance, is all. Full disclosure: I do own individual stocks and I even time the market o.O - but all in my small "play money" accounts.

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