20 below is safe right?

People who drive like this need to get off the fucking road. If you can't for whatever reason maintain the fucking posted speed limit of any given road and feel it necessary to go 20 or lower under, unless road conditions are fucking atrocious, you best get your ass off the road.

That and people need to remember not to overtake people on two lane roads with a double solid yellow line. That's rule number one of driving. Only overtake vehicles on roads with dashed yellow lines.

I saw two idiots overtake a driver driving the speed limit on the way home from college recently. It was at a canal bridge no less, and they both overtook the guy at the bridge which is a risky and dangerous move considering the road ahead was an S curve road with a history of traffic accidents and deaths.

Just this morning I had a jackass riding my ass on the way to the college on an 80km/hr road while I was going ~85km/hr. As soon as the road converted to a dual lane, the idiot merged right and slammed the gas and hit about 120km/hr and flew down the road.

People like the ones I've described need their licenses revoked.

/r/IdiotsInCars Thread Link - v.redd.it