[20/m] Lady friend [21/f] broke my heart without her even knowing it

I don't resent her at all, actually. I don't have the ability to resent her. I've had a past relationship in which my girlfriend cheated on me constantly, told me I wouldn't ever find anyone as good as her, and was guilt tripped into staying. My father was an alcoholic, saying that I'd never amount to anything and that I wasn't smart enough to get into college because I didn't try-hard in high school. So trust me when I say, I've been there. My dad has since been 9 years sober, and I left that relationship because I realize things weren't going to get better, even when I absolutely loved this girl with all of my heart.

My confidence was shattered after that year, I didn't even speak to another girl romantically for years. But you know what? I picked myself up, asked myself, 'what did I do wrong?' and figured out it was nothing. That's where she's at. I'm simply trying to make her realize that point without going through the years of heartbreak that I had to suffer from.

I genuinely believe she's being guilt tripped into staying because he left his wife for her. He was actually her coach for volleyball at the college at I go to, and they hooked up, he left his wife, he quit coaching, and she's been with him ever since. She can't leave because she'd feel responsible for breaking up a marriage and then not staying with him.

I have considered her point of view ever since you know, the whole bit where I'm her confidant? It wasn't listening to her from an opportunist point of view, it was from a friend's point of view. And to be honest, it's not a matter of "oh well I wouldn't treat her badly, so I obviously must be the correct choice." It's more along the lines of I see how big of a piece he is, and she's in love with him, so she doesn't see it.

More empathy could do everyone a lot of good, you're right about that point.

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