I [20F] am falling for a man [36M] and I am in a relationship. I dont know who to choose and need advice.

You made a profile on a hookup site for funsies, and then you started adding people to said hookup app "just for fun" and now you're here, talking about how you didn't intend for this to happen.

Do you understand how incredibly stupid that sounds? If you're going to come here looking for advice at least start with being honest, because I refuse to believe you're that much of an idiot.

And yes you can totally "help it" you're not a child, nobody has a gun to your head keeping you talking to this guy, nobody forced you to create a profile on a hookup app, you did and are doing all of this on your own. Take some responsibility for your shitty actions. Seriously, "my friend suggested I..." What? Really? Come on, your boyfriend deserves much better than you. If you think your boyfriend will crumble at the thought of not having someone like you in their life you are thinking entirely too highly of yourself.

People get along just fine without cheaters in their life. Also, your boyfriend would be better off without you because you can't accept responsibility for your own actions, and you're needy. You say the other guys "prestige" isn't why you like him, but you clearly measure that against your boyfriend, so you're not exactly being truthful with that either.

So advice. Break up with your boyfriend, he deserves better. Don't date the other guy, he deserves better as well. Work on yourself because you're a hot mess that doesn't take responsibility, and hasn't been honest with either.

/r/relationships Thread