20yo with aspergers and adhd, recently dropped out of uni... Am I fucked?

Yes. That's, IMO, the worst thing that ever happened recently to people on the autistic spectrum. This is mostly coming from people who are mildly affected, you can try to Google aspie superpowers for a few examples. That's also the group that keeps on trying to diagnose historical figures -which makes zero sense, diagnosing a living person needs many hours of research and talk with him/her and multiple relatives- to show how they were the ones to change the world.

I've even witnessed one of the biggest autism "support" group in France advise people contacting them to not talk about it with anyone except them (including family) because they were "too different from normal people" and that "neurotypicals (NTs as they call them) would never be able to understand them anyway", so most ended up just talking between themselves on some forums, limiting contacts with "NTs".

There was also a huge Australian group that kept spreading similar messages on social medias few years ago. And by "spreading" I mean "hammering to the point many groups on Facebook & co died out", think reddit front page and Trump level hammering, but one-sided.

/r/newzealand Thread Parent