I [21M] have no friends and I think it's my fault

Same here, man. I like to drink sometimes but I've never done drugs and even when I meet people who I hit it off with and who seem relatable if they even say they used to do drugs I get this feeling like we're from different worlds, like i could never relate to this person. Even if we have some similar interests and are having a good conversation, if they tell me they used to smoke weed, I instantly feel like we're entirely different people, and it's kind of true. I don't regret never doing drugs and I will never do drugs (there are plenty of people out there who don't, even though it may seem like the contrary) but it's a reminder of the social life I squandered away as an introvert during my teenage years. I live with my parents, never learned how to drive, and I don't even go to college. Work is not the ideal place for making friends to do things with. Maybe it is for some people, at least not me. Even when I took classes at community college, I didn't have any luck. I'm also like you when it comes to being polite and agreeable but not really having any deep friendships. I thought I did a few times after high school, but they're always people who are a lot older or they turn out to just have problems that I can't relate to. I'm also just awkward in general. I wish I had a girlfriend to walk around and talk with and text late at night or even just some good friends would be awesome, but that seems like a pipe dream at this point. I want to get out and experience the world but I wish I had people to do it with. I sympathize with your plight and I wish you the best of luck.

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