22F and 22M (emotional distance)

Our compatibility is questionable. We’re opposites in a sense, but we try to balance each other out that way? For example, 22F helps 22M be more empathetic and openminded towards others. 22M helps 22F set higher standards for herself to show she is capable of more than what she settles for. We’ve helped each other grow in a way, but 22M is having a hard time being understanding while 22F is struggling. Everyone has their time of struggle, he hasn’t hit his yet and can’t relate. We’ve set goals together, and since she can’t meet them as quickly as he’d like, she’s holding him back. He’s trying hard to be patient and understanding with her, but also has to consider whats best for himself. 22F acknowledges this and has told him that he doesn’t have to stay if he doesn’t want to. 22M feels she’s purposely pushing him away and is convinced she doesn’t love him.

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