23F and my looks are ruining my life.

Gonna be honest, only clicked because 23M and while I try to keep my appearances nice, they've never really mattered to me, so I wanted to read what an apparently total opposite experience was like. Apparently not too much different. I've never really cared about anything but my mind. Understanding and being understood.

I just want to say you're beautiful to me. I don't give a shit what you look like. Or how smart you are. You're a person who's willing to be honest with how she feels about herself. I'm fucking weird, yeah, but to me, that's what matters.

I don't think you'll die alone. I hope you won't die unfulfilled.

Also seriously the men you mention harassing you... on the one hand they clearly find you attractive. On the other hand they're the kind of scum I want to see literally rounded up and executed.

But my honest opinion is that the best sort of person you can be is the sort of person willing to be honest with herself about who she is and how she feels. I hope this doesn't come across as an empty platitude... I genuinely despise when people can't be honest with themselves about their feelings. You give me hope for humanity. I hope that in some way gives you something positive to feel. You deserve to feel good about yourself. I hope you are able someday.

/r/depression Thread