I [26 M] feel like my girlfriend [26 F] doesn't respect me or value my time anymore - but she doesn't seem to understand

You can either tell her hey I feel taken for granted or just move on. I think all relationships take efforts on both sides and when it isn't even one feels insecure or upset or taken for granted and the other is knows the other wants them so much. I mean at the end of the day are you happy and do you feel good in the role you play in the relationship? Can you talk to her? If it's no move on I wouldn't stress about it. Because in the end as weird as it is people who are mostly alike vs completely different last longer. I'm saying like normal things like how much you put efforts in and goals. If she is the type to be like "oh I forgot we had plans and I went to the bars with Alex and then got too drunk and my phone died" and you said hey I'll call you around 4 so we can go do something relaxing today unequal powers. I get upset if my friends or anyone is flakey last minute when there was set plans. But the thing is you guys need to talk or end it.

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