3 yr old learned fun new trick of unlocking door knob and hasn’t taken a nap all week. What can I shove in the slit to prevent his cleverness?

Nope. He wasn’t. If he had been I would have opened his door myself. Let me be clear here... the mental health point is in relation to the terrible sleep cycle that has been this week. He is completely exhausted by 4pm and is upset and angry and full of emotions that come with a toddler being overtired. That is difficult for him and for me. I do not want to see him like that, what do you think I am?! He is a very confident, articulate, intelligent, flexible, happy, kind, adventurous little boy. And to see him so upset each day to the point where he doesn’t even know what he wants he is screaming no and yes or both choices or options given when trying to calm, redirect, engage him.

/r/toddlers Thread Parent