Potty Training Help (Google has not been very helpful...)

Listen. I remember posting something like this (and probs deleted it in shame) when we went through something similar. She liked to poop everywhere but the potty and it was a very rough couple of months.

No amount of advice was going to help us. This was her chosen struggle and no matter what dance, video, book, potty treat, whatever anyone told me to do, nothing worked. It became even more frustrating when her new school required her to be potty trained at 3 (we are obviously not those parents).

I was so stressed that I found a pediatrician that specialized in these issues and parent/child relationships. He grinned the whole time I was talking and when I was finally done he said “okay, you can stop now. It’s okay. She’s okay. You are okay. It’s going to be okay. She doesn’t have to do this right now and neither do you.”

I spoke with the school after this and we came up with a plan that worked for everyone and stress of all parties has been greatly reduced.

My only advice is pass on what the pediatrician told me: it’s okay. She’s okay. You are okay.

/r/toddlers Thread