Transition from puree

The mess will need to be dealt with unfortunately. But it doesn’t last. Promise.

I did more or less a BLW approach and the clean up of the mess was the most exhausting experience. But it’s normal for kids to want to toss and throw and be distracted at the table when things are new ie when I get a new bowl he is fascinated by it and wants to lift it up. And that becomes a distraction vs focusing on eating. But if you keep exposing them consistently they get over it - whether it be that new shiny spoon, smearing food, tossing food on the ground, etc. Avoid big reactions on food that’s thrown or any mess. This is new for them (touching the food itself) so they are fascinated by it.

Also if you find bowls and things are becoming a distraction allow them to play with them during play time and they get over it by the time it’s meal time over some days.

As for spoon feeding I used the Gootensils to help him to spoon feed himself. If you want you can offer some thicker purée foods for him to spoon feed himself. Offer finger food to your comfort ie avocado, yams, etc. then increase the texture/difficulty over time.

For reference my kid is 17 mths and he just recently picked up on spooning yogurt. And it took 1-2 months - no lie. But one day they just wake up and it clicks. Keep showing them and they tend to mirror you.

You will be shocked what they pick up on. Sometimes it feels futile but consistency is key!

/r/toddlers Thread