When did your toddler start using a tablet?

We have an almost 1 year old and we use screens to FaceTime grandparents and aunts/uncles. If that’s something your family does, you can use the tablet for that. Or you can just lie and say thanks without detailing that you haven’t used it.

Personally, we plan no screen time beyond FaceTime until at least 2. If we get to 2 and it’s still okay like how, we will extend to 2.5 or 3 years old.

It’s also not no screens or five them unlimited access. There’s lots of middle ground, so you have to decide what you’re comfortable with. We’re planning to only give access to pre approved content (in our minority language, not English) in 10-15 minute increments while starting out. We don’t plan to give any English language content until we feel very confident our minority language is well established.

/r/toddlers Thread