[31M] Husband cheated on [27F] me with his fit and skinny gym friend

Oh honey, this hits home for me. Ten years ago my husband cheated with a much younger, taller, thinner, beautiful woman. I was destroyed by the infidelity, but it was just weeks after my mother died and I didn't feel I had the strength to leave.

Until two weeks ago. That's right, a whole decade later.

For me, it was that he never stopped lying about various things - big things, small things, and other suspected affairs. I thought I was too fat, too ugly, not successful enough, etc. Then, out of the blue, on January 2, I caught him in another (relatively small) lie and that was it. I'm done. Light bulb went off never to turn on again.

It hurts like hell and I may be alone forever, but I'll also learn to become a person with worth. I've been in therapy for a few months to figure out who I am and deal with the past hurt. Today I'm beginning to see that I am not just my clothing size and prettiness is in the eye of the beholder. I'm smart and funny and kind -- and these things matter!!! They matter SO MUCH! (And we all know that beauty is from within, duh!) I've found an incredible support network that fills my heart with love and gratitude.

I'm not sure what my (soon to be ex) husband will do or who he will choose to become, but that's no longer my burden and I feel 1000 lbs lighter not having to worry about what he may be up to anymore.

Do what feels right for you. Try couples therapy, try individual therapy, try walking out the door & closing this chapter... Whatever you need to do. Just please, please, please don't make this all about him. He chose to grow up and be a cheater and a liar. You get to choose who you want to grow up to be!

If you want to talk, pm anytime. Wishing you so much good luck and love, love, love from an internet stranger ♥️

/r/relationship_advice Thread