I (36M) sexually abused my wife (37F)

I’ve completely changed my routine, the way I am. I no longer sleep in, I’m no longer on my phone or iPad (minus talking right now), I cut off all my steaming. I read books about parenting, ways to have a happy marriage and ways to fix a broken family. I’ve been spending time with my kids when they ask me to play. I’m awake at 5:45am every day (this has never happened in my life time). It has been 14 days since my wife told me she wanted me out. I’m listening more and talking less. My kids are now my top priority and my work has lost meaning besides making money for my kids. I help around the house more than I ever have. I’ve been repairing things around the house that I always promised to do.

I know at this point there isn’t anything I can do to “fix” my marriage, but I know that I can do what she needs to heal. I’m moving to an apartment around the corner from the house. I can still take my oldest to school each morning and pick up as needed. I will always be there when I’m allowed and I’m not interested in making the kids want to be with me. I messed this up not her.

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