[40/m] My Wife [40/F] - Need advice

Thank you. Her responses seem to come from a defensive side. For years she has demanded that she logs into all of my credit cards, and have always given the log ins.

I've never really asked to log into hers, until now. I have a daily reminder set up to ask for the log in, and all that happens is a massive mud sling from her towards me, and will not give it. She's a graphic designer as well, so I want the log in, print outs won't do.

I've been seeing a therapist for some time now. She agrees that I should have my pay going into my banl, she also agrees that my wife is going to lose her shit. Though my buddies have even said a change needs to happen.

I am not 100% that she had an affair, though from the email that I got off her email, really only adds up to my wife having a 4 month long affair with 1 woman, and then this woman emailing my wife talks about being "intimate " together.

I really just am in disbelief, I've confronted her about the email. The email starts off with 50 or so adjectives, which my wife tried to say those were about me, until I showed my with one of the adjectives started "her", to which she didn't know what to say. I have told her numerous times I do not believe her explanation to this email at all, and I would like the truth. So then says it's some stupid copied n pasted thing that she has no idea about. I'm fairly confident I know who the woman of 4 months is, and im.very tempted to chat with her.

I'm really at a loss right now. My wife is constantly just an asshole to me, no matter how hard I try, she will find the most insignificant thing to be critical over, or something to be mad about.

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