6 Signs You're Definitely Not Supposed To Be A Parent, And There's Nothing Wrong With That | Bustle

The last one is also very telling. My mother treated me like shit because I wouldn't fit her specific cookie-cutter image.

Once she discovered my sister did fulfill these requirements she immediately put all of her love and preference into her. I was then ignored besides being required to always get As and become a doctor.

Like, how immature of a person are you that you can't even let your child be themselves at all?

After she died (and I was thrilled btw, felt guilty for my happiness at the time, but now I just roll with it), it took me years to figure out who I was as a person. I'm almost there but I'm in my 30s, my life would have been so much better if I had been allowed to mature as a person instead of being controlled by my mommy dearest. Little sister is also shaping up as well, though she was intolerable until her late teens.

Just a few other deets for those who are curious:

My mother hated that I was chubby as a kid but never attempted to help me fix it (better eating, encouraging exercise, etc), instead she would buy me pants 1 or 2 sizes too small and make me squeeze into them.

Would give me impossible tasks during the weekends so she had an excuse to keep me out of the house all day (ex: dropped an earring in the backyard which was covered in fall leaves).

Throwing away anything that wasn't to her standards (4 years worth of baseball cards, too boyish).

Beat me due to fashion (ex: I didn't like pink things and had a weird hatred of plaid during my youth).

Verbally insulted me, slapped me if I ever spoke out loud around her, showed favoritism to my sister in front of her (buying my sister gifts on my birthday).

Yelled at me if she heard my lisp, refused to let me take special ed. classes to help me with it because her kid wasn't, "fucking stupid." I learned to hide it on my own.

Just generally shitty things. All because I was a masculine girl who had a chubby face and large build. She made me hate myself for years.

Seriously, if you are unable to love humans, like, if you see chubby kids, kids wearing thick glasses and braces, kids with limps and lisps and various other unique aspects and you think, "Wow, what an unattractive child."

Then fuck you, don't have kids then. You have no guarantee what your kid will look like, and if you discriminate and hold back love based on physical traits, you're going to screw your kid up.

If you look at articles about trans kids, gay kids, kids that only wear the clothing of the opposite gender, or just behave in ways you dislike and you think, "Wow, that kid is freaking weird."

Then don't fucking have kids. Because if your kid ends up being outside the norm, they'll either tell you and you'll try to "fix" them, or keep it secret and become depressed and might hurt themselves. You'll screw them up.

Seriously, I think everyone is completely screwed up in some way or another due to their upbringing.

God, my mother was such a bitch. I've never been to her grave. Ugh.

/r/childfree Thread Link - bustle.com