8/9 PBE Update

Balance Changes * Remember *: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, and sometimes radical or experimental changes. Be aware that what you see below may be lacking context or other changes that didn't make it in or were implemented in an earlier patch this cycle! These are not official notes.

Champions **Ashe Ranger's Focus (Q) duration lowered to 4 seconds from 5

Enchanted Crystal Arrow (R) damage lowered to 200/350/500 from 250/425/600

Brand Pyroclasm (R) AP ratio increased to 35% from 25% Damage increased to 125/225/325 from 100/200/300

Diana Moonfall (E) now displaces 250 units up from 150. **

**Draven Whirling Death (R) ds Mana cost decreased to 100 at all ranks from 120 Cooldown lowered to 100/90/80 from 110/100/90

Evelynn Agony's Embrace (R) [looks like several changes. hold tight] Now deals up to 160/280/400 (+ 40% AP) magic damage based on how healthy targets are from 15/20/25% (+ 1% AP) current health in magic damage. Cooldown lowered to 130/110/90 from 150/120/90

Ezreal Rising Spell Force (Passive) now scales up to 10/12/14/16% per stack at levels 1/6/11/16 from 10% at all ranks. **

Gangplank Cannon Barrage (R) Cooldown increased to 180/160/140 from 160/150/140 Damage per wave lowered to 35/60/85 from 50/70/90

Gragas Bodyslam (E) cooldown increased to 16/15/14/13/12 from 12 at all ranks

Explosive Cask (R) now has a fixed travel time "Also Gragas has a fixed travel time on his ult on PBE. This means when you point blank it, you see the barrel lob up for 0.55 seconds."**

Jayce Thundering Blow ( Hammer E) mana cost lowered to 40 at all ranks from 40/50/60/70/80/90 Transform (R) cooldown lowered to 4 seconds from 6 seconds.

Jhin Whisper (Passive) Base Movement speed from crits reduced to 3% from 10% Attack speed ratio increased to 6% movement speed per 10% attack speed from 4% MS per 10% AS.

Deadly Flourish (W) AD ratio lowered to 50% from 70% Damage to minions and monsters increased to 75% from 65%

Curtain Call (R) [tool tip no longer mentions "If canceled early, Curtain Call's cooldown is refunded by 10% for each unused shot."

Jinx Super Mega Death Rocket! (R) Minimum damage ratio increased to 15% bonus AD from 10% Maximum damage increased to 150% bonus ad from 100%

Kennen Lightning Rush (E) Damage lowered to 70/110/150/190/230 from 85/125/165/205/245 No longer deals 50% damage to minions.

Malphite Brutal Strikes (W ) Cooldown lowered to 12 at all ranks from 14 Passive Armor increase increased to 15/20/25/30/35% from 10/15/20/25/30%

Morgana Black Shield (E) [range increased to 800 from 750]

**Orianna Command: Shockwave (R) Cooldown lowered 110/95/80 from 120/105/90 Mana cost lowered to 100 at all ranks from 100/125/150

Poppy Base movement speed increased to 345 from 340 Steadfast Presence (W) passive's armor and mr bonus increased to 15% from 12%.

Rek'Sai Void Rush (R) cooldown increased to 180/140/100 from 150/110/70

Riven Wind Slash (R) Minimum damage increased to 100/150/200 from 80/120/160 Maximum damage increased to 300/450/600 from 240/360/480

Sivir Ricochet (W) bounce damage now 50/55/60/65/70% from 60/65/70/75/80% On The Hunt (R) passive's attack speed on W decreased to 30/45/60% from 40/60/80%

Thresh The Box (R) cooldown lowered to 140/120/100 from 150/140/130

Trundle Pillar of Ice (E) cooldown changed to 22/20/18/16/14 from 23/20/17/14/11

Vayne Tumble (Q) bonus physical damage increased to 30/40/50/60/70% AD from 30/35/40/45/50% AD

Veigar Baleful Strike (Q) [ranged increased by 50?]

Vi Vault Breaker (Q) cooldown now 16/14/12/10/8 from 18/15.5/13/10.5/8

/r/leagueoflegends Thread Link - surrenderat20.net