What characters would appear in ‘Reddit: The Movie’?

You would need the new account as the main character. Someone who has a relatively new account but is also good at getting karma like u/Barack-YoMama.

Usually in movies where the viewer is being introduced to a new world, the main character is also being introduced to said world, and there is a side character who is showing him/her the ropes, like u/Unidan.

Unidan: "I'm not going to lie to you, Barack-YoMama, everyone who has fought the Reddit Hivemind....every man and woman who has stood their ground...Every. Single. One has DIED. I've seen the hivemind punch through posts; get to the front page regularly; people have emptied entire subreddits of downvotes at them and hit nothing but air...but they still live in a world based on rules. Which means they can never get karma as fast or as strong as you can.

Barack-YoMama: "What are you trying to say? I can dodge downvotes?"

Unidan: smirks "No, Barack-YoMama. What I'm trying to say is that, when you're ready....you won't have to."

/r/AskReddit Thread