Colin Kaepernick has filed a grievance against NFL owners for collusion under latest collective bargaining agreement

Marijuana legalization was on the fucking ballot that year too.

The drug war is oft cited as one of the core issues inherent in any systemic racism since minorities, especially blacks & latinos, have been targeted by drug laws. It's quite arguably a literal system of discrimination in this country. A perfect opportunity arises to actively work against one of the aspects of the issue he protests, and he forgoes it to protest the presidential election. As an aside, legal weed consumption is also a great revenue generator!; Prohibition of the substance is stupid!

That irritated me so damn much when he said he didn't vote. I saw it as naive at best, ignorant at worst. Leave the presidential ballot blank and use the power of a state's rights to legalize weed. Compromise.


I'm all for his right to protest. I'm for his freedom of expression. While bitching about the way the federal government handles systemic racism is fine, I found it silly he chose to not vote... to basically end the drug war in California.

Now that all said, this is making me nervous. If something comes out he turned down a legit job offer, then he'll likely eat crow. Worse, I have this nagging feeling the far right will use this as a sign that he's full of shit on all counts, thus giving them some legitimacy when they balk at his notions. Trump would likely use that as an "I told you so" moment.

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