The absolute worst type of person...

Fair enough but if no one is in front of the green car they move over when possible to let the red car by. I was stuck behind some self righteous Fiat that would not move over while I was trying to get my three year old to the hospital for third degree burns.


Maybe should have called an ambulance for a 3rd degree burn...


Drive 10 minutes to hospital or wait 15 minutes for ambulance, 5 minutes to check and get loaded and 8 minutes to hospital.

No thanks... Just drive.


Paramedic here. You're retarded. There are situation where it might be appropriate to skip calling and drive straight there, but guess what? You don't have the training or tools to recognize them.

What do you think an ambulance is? It's an ER on wheels. So you can either drive 15 minutes there to the hospital or the ambulance can bring the hospital to you in under 10, and also not drive like a pannicked jackass when theyvkeave

also, while you are rereading your post and identifying all the strawmen you put up to try and rationalize your invalid point. Also look at how insulting and judgmental you were being in each of your comments.

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